Gonstead - AT 4123
James R. Fuller, B.S., B.A., D.C.

Here are just a few sample questions to give you a taste:


Motion Palpation:

In order to find the rotational component of a C5 PRS, you would rotate your patient to the ______ and push __________ on the spinous. (Answer: right, left)

In order to find the lateral wedge component of a C5 PRS, you would: (Answer: lean your patient to the right and either feel decreased motion of the spinous to the left or push the spinous to the left and feel a lack of endplay)

Your patient has a right PIIN ilium. You find the PI by: (answer: contacting PSIS and S2 and raising the patient's opposite leg)

Radiological Findings:

You will be asked to draw the lines on the paper film, and then interpret them. Some of the questions might look like this:

The measurement on the right ilium is: (answers will be in a range, you will select the one closest to your actual measurement - don't worry, I'll make them far enough apart so you can pick the right one)

The foramen magnum line and the A-P atlas plane line are converging anteriorly, this indicates a (answer: PS occiput - no, it can't be an atlas listing, that would require that we reference the A-P atlas plane line to the Odontoid Perpendicular line)

Other questions will be specific to the drawing you have, and might look like this:

The listing for the most cephalad subluxation in the cervical spine is:

List the L5 vertebra in figure 3

I think you get the gist of this type of quesiton


These questions will be general. I won't try to trip you up with minutiae.

Dr. Gonstead was also a Naturopath (True)

Dr. Gonstead built a landing strip to allow himself and his patients easier access (True)

Clinical stuff:

These relate to hands-on patient stuff:

The needle on the nerv-o-scope will swing over and back _________ if there is a potential subluxation (answer: over about one spinal segment)

A patient with a D1 disk should be adjusted (answer: in the afternoon)

You might have to match these with definitions:

D1 disk (answer: Swollen disk or timeframe is Acute)

D2 disk (Answer: "Disk thin at posterior" or "six months to develop", etc.)

Other stuff like that...

How 'bout some MD/AD questions?

Left AS8EX5 with a Right MD=4mm (answer: AD=2.8 mm on the Right)


I'll add more as I think about it...