Exam Reviews

Physiology II - PB 3325
Course Director: Mrs. Kay Brashear

STUDY GUIDE                                                              LAB  QUIZ 3


Cardiovascular adaptations to isotonic  exercise

1. What is the difference between moderate and severe isotonic exercise?
   1.Moderate exercise is defined as a 40% increase in heart rate.  It is designed to
          illustrate the changes that occur with slight increase in skeletal muscle metabolism
          and a low level mass sympathetic response.
          Severe exercise is defined as a % of the maximum heart rate.   It is designed
          to illustrate the effect of a significant increase in skeletal muscle metabolism and
         temperature regulation as well as an increase in the mass sympathetic response.
    2. Be able to answer the questions related to isotonic exercise.
        1. Was there any difference in the diastolic blood pressure data between moderate
            isotonic and severe isotonic exercise?  If yes, explain the difference.   Usually
            diastolic blood pressure does not change significantly with moderate isotonic
            exercise.  It may remain the same or increase or decrease 5 - 10 mm. Hg.   With
            severe isotonic exercise the significant increase in blood flow to the skeletal
            muscles and to the skin (cooling) will cause the TPR to decrease.  The rapid flow of
            blood from the heart to the periphery will cause diastolic pressure to drop.  The
            drop is variable and may mild to quite significant ( 40 - 50 mmHg.)
        2. Was there any difference in the peripheral resistance data between moderate
            isotonic and severe isotonic exercise.  If yes, why?   At the beginning  of exercise
            TPR increases to a greater
extent in severe isotonic because the mass sympathetic
             response is greater.
  However, at the end of the exercise what may be seen is a
             decrease in TPR as a result of
temperature regulation and a tremendous increase

            in blood flow to skeletal muscle.  In the lab some will see the increase
             at the end of
  exercise and the decrease at the 5 minute recovery. 
        3. Did the mean arterial pressure change significantly with either moderate or severe
            exercise?  Usually the MAP does not significantly change during isotonic exercise.
            It should remain about the same ( maybe slight inc. or dec.) with moderate isotonic.
            With severe isotonic if the diastolic blood pressure drops significantly then the        

            MAP may actually decrease.  This means that isotonic exercise is the exercise of

            choice for heart patients.  The afterload remains normal or may actually decrease.


Isometric exercise

1. Be able to answer the questions related to isometric exercise.
        1. Isometric exercise is quite different from isotonic.  Isometric exercise occurs for a
            brief time and there is occluded blood flow through the muscle during contraction.
            Because of the output  of receptors monitoring muscle tension and power
            development the mass sympathetic response is much greater thant would be
            expected for the level of exercise.  The lack of a significant increase in muscle

            metabolism and  the occlusion of blood flow cause both the systolic and diastolic

            blood pressure to increase and in some people at a much higher level than would be expected.
        2. Because the physiological changes are very much linked to the receptors in the
            skeletal muscle as soon as tension develoment stops so does the mass

            sympathetic response and HR, TPR and BP go back to normal very quickly. 

            There   is no sustained metabolic effect.
        3.  Mean arterial pressure increases with isometric exercise because both systolic

            and diastolic pressures increase.  This type of exercise is dangerous for heart         

            patients and people who have hypertension.
        4. Which type of exercise had the largest pulse pressure?   Look at the two diagrams
            in the lab manual.  You will notice that isotonic exercise has the largest pulse
            pressure.  Because  diastolkic and systolic pressures both increase during isometric
            exercise the pusle pressure changes  very little.

        5. What effect did the regulation of temperature and metabolic level of skeletal
            muscle have on TPR and blood pressure.  Very little.  A maximum or near
            maximum isometric contraction can only be held about one minute.  Not much
            increase in metabolism or heat generation.
        6. Was there a difference in systolic pressure recorded for severe isotonic exercise
            and severe isometric exercise.   If the same person does the experiment then it
            would be expected that the systolic pressure during the severe isometric exercise
            would be much higher than  systolic pressure during severe isotonic exercise.

Skeletal Muscle Control and Muscle Reflexes

            1. What are the characteristics of a reflex arc?

            2. What is the significance of using an agonist and an antagonist during muscle contraction?

            3. How was coactivation of an agonist and an antagonist muscle demonstrated in the lab?

            4. Describe a monsynaptic reflex.   Be able to answer the questions in the lab

            manual about the muscle stretch reflex conducted in the lab.

            5. Flexor withdrawal reflex and crossed extensor reflex:

                        a. How do these reflexes differ from a monosynaptic reflex?

                        b. Be able to answer the questions in the lab manual about the flexor

                        withdrawal and the crossed extensor reflexes.

EXERCISE X: Spirometry

1. Know the definitions of the lung volumes and know the actual volumes in ml. or L.
2. Know the definitions of lung capacities and know the actual volumes in ml. or L.
3. Know which volumes are combined to get capacities.
4. Know the difference in how a Propper hand held spirometer and the Biopac transducer works.
        The Propper spirometer can only measure air that is blown into the spirometer.
Inspiratory volumes and capacities cannot be measured.  This equipment also requires a little training to

 get the volumes correct.   The Biopac transducer measures air flow.  It is much easier to use and much more accurate. 

 The transducer will measure both inspiration and expiration.  Times respiratory tests can also be performed.

Lung Volumes with Time

Use the Spirogram in the lab manual:

1. Be able to identify any lung volume or capacity on a spirogram like the one produced in the lab.
2. Be able to give the volume in ml. or L of any respiratory volume or capacity identified.

Volume or Capacity



Tidal volume

500 ml.

Volume of air exchanged in a normal inspiration and expiration

Inspiratory reserve volume

2500 - 3000 ml.

Air that can be inspired above tidal volume

Expiratory reserve volume

1200-1500 ml.

Air that can be expired beyond tidal volume

Residual volume

1000 - 1200 ml.

Air that cannot be removed from the lungs

Insipiratory capacity


A combination of TV and IRV

Functional residual capacity


A combination of ERV and RV   This is the volume of air that inhaled air mixes with.

Vital Capacity

4500  ml.

A combination of :
VC represents the maximum air exchange



The same as VC but is timed.  Timed forced expiratory volume.



The volume of air that can be removed in one second.
Should be more than 75% - 80% of the FEVT.

Total Lung Capacity

5.8 - 6 liters

The total lung capacity includes not only VC but also the RV. 

3. Be able to identify the FEV1 and FEVT.  Know the significance of each.
        Timed respiratory tests are used to measure lung function.  If compliance is normal the both the total forced expiratory volume

 and the volume of air that can be removed in one second should be normal.  With lung disease these volumes change.  See the

 introduction to the laboratory exercise in the lab manual.



1. Know the formulae and how to use them to solve problems.
    Example:  Can you calculate how much oxygen can be transported by hemoglobin?
                     Can you calculate dissolved oxygen?  total oxygen?
2. Know the difference between restrictive and obstructive lung diseases and how these affect respiratory volumes and capacities.

If you can solve all of the case studies then you should be able to answer the questions on the quiz. At this time, you should also know how much oxygen a gram of hemoglobin can transport, how to use the hemoglobin saturation, etc.

The case studies are a lab activity.  Please ask the lab instructor to help if you are having difficulties.



Copyright, Kay Brashear and James B. Parker, Fall, 2006