by Terry A. Rondberg, D.C.


The Triune of Life = Innate Intelligence + Innate Energy + Innate Matter 

According to the precepts of chiropractic philosophy, every living thing has 100% of the Innate Intelligence it needs AND 100% of the Innate Force it needs. It also has a given physical form, to make up the third element of the Triune.

In order to have perfect health, there must be 100% of intelligence, 100% of force, and 100% of matter. That is, all three elements must be present in optimum quantity and quality. We have already seen that this is always true of the first two elements. However, the structure of our "matter" – our physical bodies – is sometimes less than 100%. There may be flaws in our bodies or its abilities (temporary or permanent) which hinder the expression of the intelligence.

For human beings, that means that "perfect health" is a relative term. Each of us can be only as healthy as the limits in our physical matter permit. People born with congenital heart defects, for instance, can only be as healthy as their structures will permit.

People who have undergone amputation of a arm cannot regrow that limb, even when there is 100% intelligence and 100% energy. There are limitations inherent in the human body which cannot be transcended by Innate Intelligence.

However, within the limits imposed by our particular physical structure, our Innate Intelligence and Innate Energy will strive to maintain the highest level of health possible. Sometimes, that effort is thwarted by interferences to the normal transmission of the energy to the matter.

To see what kind of interference your body may be experiencing, we need to understand how the Innate Intelligence directs the body parts through Innate Energy.

As we noted, the brain generates, or converts, the electrical impulses which will spur the individual cells and tells them what they need to do to adapt to the current needs of the body. Those impulses are propelled along a complex system of nerves which connect the brain to the organs, tissues, glands, and cells of the body.

Think of the nerve system as a thick rope, made of numerous individual strands bundled together. When this nerve "rope" exits the brain, it travels down the spine, protected by a flexible bony structure. As it progresses downward, sections of the rope separate and pass through small openings between the spinal bones (vertebrae). Later, they separate further until each individual strand connects with its designated target.

Occasionally, however, the vertebrae become subluxated (out of their proper alignment), and close off part of the opening. This can "impinge" on the nerve and decrease or distort the normal flow of Innate Energy through the body. The result is similar to putting a kink in a water hose; the water still flows through the hose, but not at full strength.

When subluxations are present, they interfere with the 100% expression of intelligence through 100% energy and the body is said to be in "dis-ease". This should not be confused with the term disease, which refers to specific conditions which medical doctors diagnose, name, and treat.

The chiropractic term "dis-ease" refers to a situation where there is less than 100% expression of Innate Intelligence. Since every body is different and every bodily change can have many different ramifications, chiropractors do not become involved in the futile exercise of labeling a condition or trying to administer drugs or therapy to treat its symptoms.

Chiropractic goes to the root of the problem and works to restore the body's ability to reach 100% expression of its Innate Intelligence. It does this by finding and removing any subluxations which might interfere with the flow of Innate Energy. Once that flow is restored, the body will resume its natural striving for optimum health.

The working of the Triune of Life – Innate Intelligence, Innate Energy, and Innate Matter – is the supreme accomplishment of Universal Intelligence. No one can be so arrogant to think that its design can be improved upon.

Chiropractors don't attempt such a task. Instead, they focus their efforts on permitting that design to function as it was meant to – without interference.