Exam Reviews

Physiology II - PB 3325
Course Director: Mrs. Kay Brashear

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This final exam will be taken from Exams 1-4 and the topics covered after exam 4.
80 questions will be taken from the four exams.  Study the exams for these questions.

20 questions will be taken from the study guides below.

Lecture Outline 18 - Regulation of Respiration

1. Where does the neurogenic control of respiration originate?
2. Know the functions of :
         DRG, VRG, Pneumotaxic center and Apneustic center
3. What is a ramp signal and how is it controlled?
4. What is the function of the respiratory reflex?  (Hering-Breurer Inspiration Reflex)
5. How do the medullary central chemoreceptors (chemosensitive area) regulate the rate of respiration?
6. What effect does an increase in the partial pressure of oxygen have on the rate of ventilation?
7. How do peripheral chemoreceptors help regulate respiration?
  hydrogen ions, oxygen, and carbon dioxide?
8. How is ventilation regulated during exercise?  What changes if the exercise is anaerobic?
9. What effect do irritant receptors and J receptors ( C fibers) have on respiration?
10. What is periodic breathing?

Special Respiration: Lecture Outline 19

1. What are the physiological responses to high altitude?
2. What are the immediate mechanisms of compensation at high altitude?
3.. What compensatory mechanisms are long-term?
4.  What is acute mountain sickness? What are the two causes?
5. Know about nitrogen narcosis, decompression sickness and air embolisms.
6. Know how gravity effects blood distribution and CV function.

Special Circulations: Lecture 20

1. How is blood flow to various circulations regulated?  Neural or local?  Is local flow regulation specific to H+, carbon dioxide or oxygen?
2.  What controls flow in the coronary circulation, skeletal muscle, cerebral circulation, skin, kidneys and splanchnic circulation?

Copyright, Kay Brashear and James B. Parker, 1999