Course Description

Clinical Psychology has three main goals.  The first is learning to use psychological principles in dealing with patients.  Crisis intervention, communication skills training, stress reduction and pain management are among the principles included.  The second goal of the course is the recognition of psycho-pathological conditions in order to help the intern with treatment planning and referral.  Thirdly, the intern will better understand the influence of the mind/thoughts/emotions on physical health.

Course Goals

In accordance with the mission of Parker College, to train primary health care providers, this course has three goals:

    1.  To help the DC in his/her relationships with patients and colleagues;
    2.  To help the DC learn to handle crisis situations and to know when to make appropriate referrals;
  To help the DC to appreciate the complex interaction between the mind/emotions and physical health.

My goal is to make this course as helpful to you in your future practice as possible.  I welcome your suggestions

Jacquelyn Elbel, Ph.D., Professor, Licensed Psychologist in the State of Texas, has been at Parker College of Chiropractic since 1988.  Her office is located in S201, the Student Affairs Office.  Her on campus ext. is x7155.  Available Monday-Friday from 9-5, her office hours are Tuesday and Thursday at noon and from 3-4.
More information about Dr. Elbel can be found in the Important Documents portal:  About the Professor. 


Title Description File type
Behavioral Science in Medicine (2004) by Barbara Fadem, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Maryland.
Pages of reading assignments are listed for each class date after the topic.

Helpful Information

Information on how to find a psychologist, licensed counselor or psychiatrist.  Also included are hints on how to find lower cost psychotherapy.
(.doc, 26K)
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