Sacral Occipital Technique (SOT) presents a system of chiropractic analysis and correction as developed by Major Bertrand DeJarnette, D.C., D.O.   This category system establishes a logical and effective structure for diagnosis and treatment based upon three identifiable and interrelated systems of body reaction.  Each of the categories is marked by its own symptomatology and technique correction.

You will be learning the basic procedures and a protocol to apply this powerful system to your patients.

Rahim Behdar, DC

Syllabus and Calendars

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Lecture Stuff

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Input what you have to see what you'll get with what you'll get on the final... wow... that was confusing...

Lab Stuff

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The SOT flow-sheet .pdf
Everything you'll be tested on for the MIDTERM!
Everything you'll be tested on for the FINAL!