Dr. James B. Parker, B.Sc., B.Sc., BA, Ph.D.
Professor of Physiology and Biochemistry
Email address: jbparker@parkercc.edu
Phone - (214) - 352 - 7332 ext. 7328
Office N110
Office Hours As Posted
B.Sc., Biology, 1988, TexasÂ
Lutheran CollegeÂ
B.Sc., Chemistry, 1989, TexasÂ
Lutheran CollegeÂ
B.A., Mathamatics, 1989, TexasÂ
Lutheran CollegeÂ
Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences,Â
1994, UniversityÂ
of North TexasÂ
Health Science CenterÂ
at Fort Worth