Parker University has a policy for the protection of human subjects from research risk as set forth in Title 45, Part 46, of the Code of Federal Regulations (45CFR46). This information is detailed in the Parker University Standard Operating Procedure Manual, which is available at another link on this page. It is the policy of Parker University that, except for those categories specifically determined to be exempt by the Parker University Human Protections Administrator or his/her designee under 45 CFR 46, all research covered by this policy will be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) established under the policy, regardless of the source of funding of the research.
IRB approval must be obtained before initiation of the study. It cannot be granted retrospectively.
The IRB functions as an institutional resource to safeguard the welfare of human subjects of research and to protect investigators and the University from legal action as well as to meet the requirements of funding agencies.
The IRB membership consists of at least 5 individuals, including the Chair. The membership includes faculty or professional personnel, and at least 1 member who is not otherwise affiliated with the University and who is not part of the immediate family of a person affiliated with the University.
The IRB does not evaluate the scientific merit of the research; nevertheless, scientific merit is a factor in weighing the risks against the benefits of the research. Upon approval, research on human subjects is authorized in most instances for 1 year but may be shorter if the project carries higher risk. Renewal of the authorization must be requested annually by the Principal Investigator.