The Office of Information Technology provides services to help Parker University faculty, students and staff use technologies in learning, teaching, research and administrative settings. The primary role of IT is to serve as a catalyst in working with the campus community to leverage technology to advance and support the mission and goals of the university.


We are committed to achieving the goals set forth in the IT strategic plan through the utilization of models of measurable and continuous improvement, best practices, and proven methodologies.

For technical assistance or to report a system outage, please contact the Service Desk via one of the following:
Remote Assistance Application:
Phone: On Campus Extension x7450, Off Campus (214) 902-2430
In Person: 
Parker University 
2540 Walnut Hill Lane 
Dallas, TX 75229
The Information Technology Service Desk is located in the East Building, E105.
Service Desk Hours:
Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM - 5:00PM(On campus)/9:00 PM (Phone Support)
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday: CLOSED

Change/Reset Your Password

You can change or reset your password at We encourage you to Edit Your Profile in order to create your personalize security questions.