The Office of Inclusion and Accessibility is committed to providing quality services to all of its students. Parker students with a disability that significantly impairs their functioning in a particular area may qualify for disability services after completing the eligibility determination process. Many students may have concerns that they will be viewed differently if their disability is revealed to those employed at an academic institution. The Americans with Disabilities (ADA) and Rehabilitation Acts were created to protect students from discrimination based solely on their disability. Nevertheless, the stigma is still perceived to be present. That is why the confidentiality of services is a top priority of the Office of Inclusion and Accessibility. Only the Coordinator of Inclusion and Accessibility, yourself, your instructor, and employees with a legitimate need to know will have information pertaining to your disability. The Coordinator of Inclusion and Accessibility and your instructor will work together after the assessment process is complete in order to determine the type and amount of services that you will require. To begin this process or request please contact the Coordinator of Inclusion and Accessibility:
Ravan Anderson, BS
Coordinator of Inclusion and Accessibility 
Office: (972) 438-6932 Ext. 7153
Parker Cell: (945) 225-0967 
Parker University uses best practices published by the Association on Higher Education and Disability as a guide for establishing disability services policies. The guidelines can be found here:

Students who have been determined eligible for disability services should report any issues with accommodations being administered appropriately within 48 hours of the scheduled academic activity in question. Accommodations become effective on the date of approval and cannot be applied retroactively.   
In accordance with our grievance policy, a student who has a complaint that alleges discrimination based on disability may submit a Request for a Grievance Hearing to the Vice Provost. For further information consult the procedures indicated under Grievance Committee in the Student Handbook.

Step One: Submit an online Application

To register, first complete and submit an Application for Accommodations. Inadequate and/or incomplete answers may delay the eligibility review process. Please contact Disability Services if you are having any trouble accessing the form.


Step Two: Schedule an Access Meeting

Once the Application for Accommodations has been submitted online, you will be notified by email to schedule an Access Meeting to discuss accommodations, procedures, and services. The Access Meeting will last about 30 minutes. While documentation is not required to schedule the Access Meeting, we encourage students to submit their documentation as soon as possible. In an effort to expedite a review of some accommodation requests, you may be notified that an Access Meeting is not required.

Step Three: Submit Documentation

Students requesting reasonable accommodations and/or services must submit documentation of a disabling condition to verify eligibility. Students are required to submit documentation regarding the diagnosis/diagnoses that demonstrates a disability covered under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended (2008).

Please review our Eligibility Guidelines for additional information. All documentation is kept confidential.

Additional forms of documentation may include:

• A letter from a qualified medical professional
• Psychological evaluation(s)
• Psychoeducational evaluation(s) with standardized test scores
• A physician's medical records, etc. 

Step Four: Login to Accommodate

After the Access Meeting, students will receive a Notice of Determination regarding their accommodation requests and registration status. Once registered, students log in to Accommodate to submit trimester requests each trimester in order indicate their desire to use approved accommodations and to initiate distribution of accommodation letters to instructors each trimester. 



Services Available to ALL Students