SAP Status and Appeals
Warning: If you do not meet the minimum SAP standards for your program, you will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for the next trimester/semester. You are still eligible for Title IV financial aid funds if you are on Financial Aid Warning.
If you successfully meet the SAP standards for your program after a trimester/semester on Warning, then you are removed from Financial Aid Warning status.
Dismissal: If you do not meet the SAP standards for your program after a trimester/semester on Warning, then you will be dismissed from the University. You may appeal the finding in order to continue enrollment with a status of Probation. If you fail to appeal or if your appeal is not accepted by the University, you will remain dismissed.
Appeal of Dismissal (or Financial Aid Eligibility): You have the right to appeal this finding by filing the SAP Appeal form and an Academic Plan (link to these on the MyParker page) with the Chair of the SAP Appeals Committee.
Probation: If the appeal is granted, you will be placed on one trimester/semester of Probation and must meet SAP standards for your program by the end of the term. You are eligible for Title IV financial aid funds while on Probation.
Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility
You must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress to regain eligibility for Title IV financial aid funds.
Course Status
If you Withdraw from a course or receive an Incomplete for a course, it counts against your 67% completion SAP standard.
If you receive a failing grade for a course, it counts against your 67% completion and your GPA SAP standards.
If you fail a course and repeat it, the passing grade will be used for your GPA SAP standard.
If you receive a grade of NA for non-attendance, it will not be counted against you for the 67% completion or GPA SAP standards.
If you participate in course remediation, then SAP will be recalculated for that term.
If you have further questions about SAP, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at or the Registrar’s Office at