The mission of the Department of Student Affairs is to provide services and co-curricular opportunities that promote intellectual, emotional, physical, personal, professional, and leadership development, while educating students on their rights and responsibilities as members of Parker.
The Department of Student Affairs includes the Offices of Administrative Services, Student Rights and Responsibilities, Student Success and Retention, Student Programs and Traditions, Counseling Services, Career Services and Athletics and Recreation, and the Student Senate.
The Department of Student Affairs is located in the East Building, Suite 200. We encourage you to stop by and say hi! 


Student Handbook

The Student Handbook is revised and distributed each year by the Department of Student Affairs. Each student is individually responsible for knowledge of current policies, regulations and procedures as contained in the Student Handbook, the Catalog, and other documents of the University.

Departmental Directory










COVID-19 Information and Resources

Please click on COVID-19 Testing to see the CDC's latest COVID-19 Testing Protocol. 


COVID-19 Testing Sites

MD Medical Clinics

Schedule Online Appointment: They will send you a text with link - fill out paperwork, take picture of your DL, and your Insurance card.

Drive Thru: You have to wait, but once you get tested, you will receive the results within 20 minutes. The Doctor comes to the car with your results and talks to you.


  • MD Family Highway 30 - 1200 Woodhaven Blvd, Fort Worth, TX
  • MD Family Clinic- 9991 Marsh Ln. #100 Dallas, TX 75220
  • MD Family Clinic Irving Heights- 1111 S Irving Heights Dr, Irving, TX 75060
  • MD Family Clinic- 9709 Bruton Rd. Dallas, TX 75217
  • MD Kids Pediatrics Saner- 3201 W. Saner Ave. Dallas, TX 75233
  • Clinicas Mi Doctor Seminary- 4200 South Fwy. #106, Fort Worth, TX 76115
  • Clinicas Mi Doctor Lewisville- 701 S Stemmons Fwy, Lewisville, TX 75067

For additional information on COVID-19 Testings, you can visit  Project Unity.

New Student Orientation

“Orientation is the best opportunity for Parker University to introduce a strong learning environment, build the foundations for academic success, welcome students to campus, promote student interactions with their cohort, and convey the values and traditions of their new university.”

Click for more information on the New Student Orientation.

Questions about Orientation can be directed to Annjeanette Tyson, Director of Student Programs and Traditions at annjeanettetyson@parker.edu

Career Services 
The Department of Student Affairs compiles and maintains a list of off-campus job opportunities, both part-time and full-time. Frequently, businesses will call the college seeking full-time and part-time employees.  For more information on these opportunities or Career Services, please visit Parker Success Academy Marketplace or contact AlexandraHarrel@parker.edu.

The Office of Student Success and Retention

The office of Student Success and Retention is dedicated to ensuring that you, the student, have the necessary supports – both inside and outside of the classroom – to fully realize your potential at Parker University. By supporting you when you face obstacles associated with adjusting to your chosen program, the Office of Student Success and Retention assists you in making connections with support services and resources such as individual success coaching sessions and disability services.

If you are enrolled in the DC program, please email Dr. Gordon Newell, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at gnewell@parker.edu.

If you are enrolled in the CHS/CBT/GEN ED programs, please email Amber Cedillos, at ambercedillos@parker.edu

To learn more about Disability Services, please email Ravan Anderson, Coordinator of Accessibility and Student Belonging at ravananderson@parker.edu

International Student Office
The International Student Advisor assists international students and maintains files of the required and necessary documents and is located in the Enrollment Department. For assistance with International Student issues, please contact askregistrar@parker.edu.

Health Insurance

Parker University does not provide student health insurance. 

Students interested in purchasing health insurance can contact the following independent agent to get quotes on individual plans and to get information on plans available through the state for which some students may qualify:  

Larry Blackmon, licensed agent: 972-217-0987 www.ushagent.com/larryeblackmon  or https://www.healthinsurancehelper.net/

or visit The Health Insurance Marketplace for information on affordable health insurance options for which you may qualify.

TimelyCare Telehealth Plan
Parker University is excited to announce we are switching our campus telehealth plan from CampusCare to TimelyCare.
TimelyCare is a free virtual mental health and well-being platform for currently enrolled Parker students. Students have 24/7 access to virtual care services with TimelyCare. This service is provided at no additional cost to students.
 As part of Parker University’s partnership with TimelyCare, students have access to services in TimelyCare, including:
  • MedicalNow - 24/7, on-demand medical care.
  • TalkNow - 24/7, on-demand emotional support.
  • Scheduled Counseling - Select the day, time, and mental health provider of your choice. (12 visits per year)Scheduled Medical - Select the day, time, and   medical provider of your choice.
  • Health Coaching - Support for developing healthy behaviors.
  • Psychiatry - Advanced mental health care, available upon referral.
  • Student Success Coaching - A success coach provides support on topics including goal setting, study skills, resume review, and more.
  • Basic Needs Support - Get connected to free or reduced-cost community resources.
  • Self-Care Content - 24/7 access to self-care tools and resources, such as meditation and yoga sessions, helpful videos, and short articles from experts.
Visit timelycare.com/parker or download the TimelyCare app to get started!

Pregnancy and Parenting

Parental Accommodation Policy

Parker University recognizes the importance of balancing the family and academic needs of new parents and provides support for  students who are anticipating the birth or adoption of a child. Parker extends this support to parents expecting a baby, to parents who are adopting a child, to parents through surrogacy, and to parents nursing their infants.

Parker University prohibits discrimination on the basis of any characteristic protected by applicable law, including discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, in the administration of its programs and activities.  Parker will neither require nor prohibit leaves of absence for pregnancy or childbirth. In addition, Parker will reasonably accommodate its students, including pregnant students, so that they may continue to make progress toward the completion of their degree. 

Childbearing women as well as non-birth parents in good standing are entitled to a “Parental Accommodation” period. The delivering mother is eligible for of up to 6 weeks of leave following the birth of a child or adoption of a child under six years of age. During this time the student is entitled to “a modification of deadlines and academic expectations to accommodate the student’s new parental responsibilities” including assignments, exams, attendance, and other requirements, as determined in consultation with the Title IX Coordinator and the Dean of the program of enrollment. Any impacts to course schedule and length of enrollment will be disclosed to the delivering mother at the time pregnancy is reported.

Non-Birth parents are entitled to up to 14 days of leave for bonding and caring for a new child. During this time the non-birth parent is entitled to the same modifications and accommodations referenced above.

During the Accommodation Period, students may participate in academic activities as they deem necessary. Following the expiration of the six week term, Parker University encourages faculty to remain flexible in working with the student to complete missed academic requirements.

This accommodation period is in addition to Parker's Leave of Absence Policy.

Students seeking accommodation for pregnancy or parenting should click  HERE.

Any student who believes that they have not been treated equitably under the provisions of this policy may file a grievance with Title IX Office by clicking HERE, through the Student Non-Academic Grievance Procedure. Please direct all inquires to:

Alaina Mount, MS

Associate Provost of University Compliance &

Dean of Student Affairs/Title IX Coordinator

Email: amount@parker.edu

Phone: (214) 353-6514


Lactation Room

Students in need of a safe and secure place for nursing may use the Lactation Lounge located in the North Building between rooms 108 and 109. Students should work with their course instructors to provide sufficient breaks in their schedule to allow nursing during or outside of class time.

Licensure and State Boards
Please visit Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards for information and requirements for chiropractic state board licensure. Persons interested in state board licensure information should contact the governing board for the area in which he/she wishes to practice.